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Service with a Holistic View

Image by Jr Korpa
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Mindfulness Instructor

  Alternative Therapist



Mindfulness Instructor by IPq - Inst. of Psychiatry  HCFMUSP-  Universidade de São Paulo;


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies in Anxiety Disorders TAG, SAD, PD, PTSD and OCD

and Phobias by IPq - Inst. de Psiquiatria HC FMUSP -  Universidade de São Paulo; 


Adult and Elderly Neuropsychological Rehabilitation - Albert Einstein;


TAC in Hospital Environment, by IPq HCFMUSP - University of São Paulo - School of Excellence;


Molecular Biology and Applications in Biotechnology - scientific research biology and molecular diagnostics;


PENNSA- Specialized Program in Neurolearning;

Other Graduation : Advertising and Marketing


Postgraduate in: Psychopedagogy, Neuropsychiatric Nutrition, Pharmacology applied to Nutrition, Cognitive-Behavioral Theory, MBA in Business Management. 



Here at the Clinic, the differential is to have a holistic view, in favor of integral health.

Use of pedagogical techniques  to promote tangible changes that allow the patient to adhere, se  to involve and strengthen  their goals, with assertiveness.    maintaining motivation and self-esteem.


Pillars of care, what are you looking for?

- Psychoanalysis or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for the promotion of self-knowledge and management of thoughts, emotions and behaviors involved in trauma, disorders or conflicts.

- Precision and Behavioral Clinical Nutrition for those seeking longevity, prevention and treatment of pathologies, including psychiatric pathologies, in addition to food and nutrigenetic reeducation through genetic screening and personal diet.

- Mindfulness or Mindful Eating.


Active and humanized listening;

Identification of triggers

behavioral repetition;

Stress and anxiety management

Reeducation and resignification practices are carried out according to the patient's complaint.

that provide relevant information for

For patients, management includes the use of tools to guide their needs in greater depth.

All conducts aim at the patient's autonomy and self-esteem;

Planning is always carried out together, promoting patient compliance and commitment, in an assertive, humane and safe way. 

Contact us and schedule your consultation


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It will be a pleasure to serve you!


Conducts focused on comprehensive care of the relationships between behavior, mental health and physical health.

Consciousness and knowledge change stories.

And for the better! 


When we think about changes, whether physical or mental, habits, thoughts and behaviors must be balanced so that goals are achieved in a sustainable way.

Image by Lumitar
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